This week sees the launch of Ann Pettifor’s new book, “The Production of Money”, in which she both explains how money is created, and how democracies can – indeed must – reclaim control over “money production” and restrain the out-of-control finance sector so that it serves the interests of society, as well as the needs of the ecosystem.
The book’s publication is particularly timely, coming at the very time that President Trump announces his intention to once more deregulate (from the already inadequate post-2008 measures) the US, and therefore the global, finance sector.
“The Production of Money” is published by Verso, and can be ordered from Verso’s website, at this stage as hardback or e-book.
Upcoming events
Tomorrow evening, 8th February at 6.30 p.m., Ann is giving a lecture at the LSE entitled, as her book, “The Production of Money: How to Break the Power of the Bankers”. It takes place in the Old Theatre, Old Building at the LSE. Entrance is free. The meeting is hosted by the Department of Economics and Centre for Macroeconomics of the LSE.
Then on 16th February at 7 p.m., at the London Review Bookshop, Ann will be in discussion with journalist Ellie Mae O’Hagan on the theme, “Money is a Feminist Issue”. The bookshop is at 14-16 Bury Pl, London WC1A 2JL, not far from the British Museum. Tickets cost £10 and can be booked online at the Bookshop’s website.
What they say about the book
“Ann Pettifor was always the ideal author of a book that shatters the fantasy of apolitical money and the toxic myth that monetary policy must remain a democracy-free zone. This book is now a reality.”
Yanis Varoufakis, former Finance Minister of Greece
“Pettifor has a splendidly clear vision, both of money creation and of the role of banks. There is a great deal to applaud here, including her critique of mainstream economic models, which continue to ignore money and banking or, alternatively, get that horribly wrong.”
Charles Goodhart, Emeritus Professor London School of Economics
“Coolly authoritative, soberly trenchant, unexpectedly compelling, Ann Pettifor’s book is vital in both senses, important and full of life.”
Zoe Williams, journalist
“Our livelihoods and ecosystem are deeply affected by the world of money production and finance. But it’s a world largely hidden from us by vested interests. In language we can all understand Ann Pettifor explains the issues and the debates around money, shadow banking, QE and ‘helicopter money’. A must-read”.
Caroline Lucas, MP, Co-Leader of the UK Green Party
One Response
I listened to the LSE talk. The section on sovereign money (around 35.00 to 40.00) was a series of blunders and factual errors. I set out details in these two articles.
However, I’ll read the book before passing final judgement.